  • #RaiseARider Climate Action

  • #RaiseARider Climate Action

#RaiseARider Climate Action

The #AllOnBoard ask is an impactful double-whammy. Free transit for children and youth levels the playing field for all youth while building the next generation of transit riders. We must ensure all youth in BC have the opportunity to get everywhere they need to go, and thrive. Access to transit should not be the barrier standing in the way of any child or youth. It is time to lift the burden of costly transit off the hard-working families of BC and encourage family transit use. 

It is imperative that we grow and expand our total transit infrastructure in BC. As our transit systems expand we have an opportunity to reform our systems to ensure they are truly equitable. A sliding scale pass based on income ensures that as we grow and expand our transit systems nobody is left behind. 

Local climate solutions and climate-friendly communities are key to our crucial progress towards a low-carbon society. A significant increase in investment in public transit is essential, as well as cycling networks and all forms of active, sustainable transportation. We call on the provincial government to commit to increased investment in public transit through funding affordability measures including free transit for youth 0-18, deep discounts based on income and infrastructure expansion in all transit systems in BC. We know that free transit for youth creates life-long transit users. Shifting our travel behaviour is crucial to meeting our climate targets. 

We call on Clean BC, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, TogetherBC, the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs (TransLink) to come together to ensure out more marginalized and at-risk community members can access the essential service of public transit and to prioritize the rapid expansion of our transit infrastructure province-wide. 

The time to #RaiseARider is now! We have no time to lose. The Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services recommends in their Budget 2020 Consultation Report that the province undertake the following: Work with local governments and transit authorities to explore new pricing mechanisms to help make public transit more accessible for youth and low-income familieshttps://www.leg.bc.ca/content/CommitteeDocuments/41st-parliament/4th-session/fgs/reports/FGS_41-2-2_Budget-2020-Consultation-Report_2019-08-07.pdf. Page 82.

Our priority ask: Free transit for children and youth 0-18 in every transit system in British Columbia. 

How it will be answered: Our provincial government links our bold climate action and poverty reduction goals together through investing in free transit for children and youth 0-18 in all transit systems in BC by September 2021.